Fox Pools is a leading provider of pool service & repairs and offers expert knowledge in the pool industry. Your local expert in pool service repairs – Fox Pools offers basic maintenance and cleaning advice.

Choosing the Right Pool Heaters: Expert Tips

Ever thought about having a warm pool during the cool seasons? It’s pretty great. Pool heaters make it happen – they let us swim comfortably, even when the weather isn’t exactly cooperating. Now, picking a pool heater might seem simple on the surface, but there’s a bit more to it. Let’s dive in and sift through the options together.

Gas Pool Heaters

Kicking things off with a well-known option: gas pool heaters. They’ve been a reliable choice for many over the years. The reason? They heat your pool quickly, providing that instant gratification on a chilly day. But, it’s worth noting they might lean a bit heavy on your monthly budget and aren’t the greenest option out there. If your swims are more of an occasional leisure and you’re all about that quick heat-up, gas heaters might just be for you.

Electric Resistance Heaters

On to electric resistance heaters, which have carved out their spot for being notably eco-friendly. They do a stellar job without depending on the weather, but keep an eye on that electric bill, especially if your pool’s on the larger side. A snug fit for smaller pools or spa areas, especially where gas heating might not be viable, these heaters are both practical and keep your green conscience clear.

The Scoop on Heat Pumps

Then we have heat pumps, the middle-ground marvels of pool heating. Offering a blend of cost-effectiveness over time and a smaller carbon footprint, they’re a dependable choice for many. The compromise? They’re somewhat reliant on having milder weather around and may ask for a bit more upfront financially. If you’re located where winters are more cool than icy and your swims are a regular event, heat pumps offer a solid, reliable choice.


A Guide to Properly Opening and Closing Your Pool

Shining Light on Solar Pool Heaters

Lastly, let’s touch on solar pool heaters, the sun-lovers of the bunch. With almost negligible running costs and a big thumbs up from Mother Earth, they’re a super tempting option. The downsides include dependency on sunny days and potentially demanding quite a bit of space to install. If you’re soaking in regular sunshine and keen to keep ongoing costs low, solar heaters might just beam a light on your pool heating solution.

Navigating Pool Heater Solutions with Fox Pools

Choosing the right pool heater, getting it professionally installed, and ensuring it runs smoothly – there’s quite a bit to navigate. That’s where we, the team at Fox Pools, can help. We’re keen on simplifying this journey for you at every step.


Our expansive suite of services, such as pool repairs, inspections, and liner installations, are meticulously crafted to be your one-stop solution. We ensure that the warmth of your pool remains constant and reliable, no matter the season. 


For us, it’s not just about maintaining a comfortable temperature in your pool. It’s about ensuring that every swim, every dip, is a reliable experience, free from unexpected surprises.


At Fox Pools, our knowledge stretches across a multitude of areas, ensuring that when you entrust us with your pool, it’s cared for from every angle. Be it the complex intricacies of pool motors or the critical aspects of plumbing and pump repairs, we bring a robust skill set to the table.


Especially when it comes to pool heaters, we’re attuned to the subtle, yet vital, elements that ensure they operate at their peak, providing you with that consistent, welcoming warmth every time you decide to take a swim.


With our attention to detail and a commitment to maintaining your pool’s optimal condition, we’re here to guide you through every step of your pool’s heating journey, making sure it’s smooth sailing – or, perhaps better said, smooth swimming – throughout.

Our Approach to Installing Pool Heaters

When you reach out to us, we don’t just sell you a heater and install it. We dive into a detailed consultation and selection process, ensuring you’re getting the best fit for your specific needs. Considering the size of your pool, the typical climate in your area, and your overall energy and cost preferences, we align you with a heater that ticks all your boxes. And once we’ve identified the perfect fit, our installation services are smooth, professional, and timely, ensuring you can dip into warmth whenever you wish.

Keeping Things Heated Just Right

At Fox Pools, we’re huge proponents of regular maintenance. Keeping your pool heater in impeccable shape is about regular check-ups to ensure longevity and optimal operation.


Our proficiency in varied pool services, from filter cleaning (be it cartridge, D.E. grid, or sand change) to winterization, means that your pool’s warmth is consistently safeguarded.

In Closing

To sum it up, pool heaters are more than a luxury – they’re a gateway to year-round enjoyment of your pool. Whether you’re leaning towards gas, electric, heat pump, or solar heaters, making an informed decision and keeping up with mindful maintenance are key.


From choosing your heater and installing it, consider us your go-to for keeping your pool perfectly heated.


So, let’s take the plunge together, shall we? Connect with us, and let’s ensure your pool is warm, welcoming, and wonderfully maintained, year round.

The Complete Guide to Pool Closing

Let’s talk pools. As much as we love enjoying a good swim in the summer, we can’t ignore the winter months looming ahead. Pool closing is all about making sure your pool gets through the winter without a hitch and is ready to dive back into action when the warmer days roll around again. We’re all about ensuring that pool closing isn’t just done but done right, keeping your pool in top shape all year long.

Understanding the Importance of Pool Closing

Think of closing your pool as tucking it in for a long winter’s nap. It’s more than just a cover and a wave goodbye until spring. It’s about keeping the pool safe, preventing any unwelcome winter damage, and making sure everything is good to go when swimming season comes back. Closing your pool the right way means you’re looking out for its condition, dodging unnecessary repair costs, and keeping everything safe and secure during the colder months.

When to Consider Pool Closing

Timing your pool closing doesn’t need to be a guessing game. As long as you pay attention to a few key things like the weather and how much you’re actually using it. If you’re dealing with harsh, cold winters, it’s smart to get a jump on pool closing before the first freeze shows up. If your winters are a bit more mild, you can enjoy a few extra weeks of pool time before saying see you later.

The Fox Pools Approach to Pool Closing

Navigating through the steps of pool closing is a breeze with Fox Pools. We’ve got the know-how and hands-on experience to make sure your pool is taken care of the way it deserves. Our approach combines a deep understanding of different pool types with the right closing techniques tailored just for you. Whether we’re balancing water chemistry or putting on the winter cover, our skilled team makes pool closing smooth and straightforward. With a track record of satisfied customers and successful pool closings, Fox Pools prioritizes effectiveness and care in every service we offer.

How to Winterize your Swimming Pool

Detailed Pool Closing Process

  1. Balancing the Water Chemistry: Keeping pH levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness in check helps avoid corrosion and scale build-up.
  2. Cleaning and Backwashing the Filter: A clean filter is key to maintaining clear water and avoiding contamination during the off months.
  3. Lowering the Water Level: Adjusting the water level helps avoid freeze damage and keeps the cover supported.
  4. Winterizing the Plumbing: Blowing out pipes and using antifreeze keeps things from bursting in the cold.
  5. Installing a Winter Pool Cover: A sturdy cover keeps out debris and protects your pool from the winter weather.
  6. Additional Steps: We customize additional steps to match specific pool types and customer needs, ensuring thorough protection and an easy opening in the spring.

Post-Closing Maintenance Tips

Just because the pool is closed doesn’t mean it’s out of mind! Proper post-closing maintenance plays a crucial role in ensuring your pool reopens in great shape come spring. Keeping the cover clean is your first task. A tidy cover means less mess and potential problems when it’s time to unveil your pool again.


Next, keep an eye on that water chemistry – maintaining the right balance, even during winter, safeguards against potential damage. Lastly, those winterizing components need a check-up now and then to confirm they’re holding firm and doing their job protecting your pool.

Planning Your Pool Opening

Peering ahead to warmer days, planning your pool opening can be as smooth as those first summer swims. A crucial first step: schedule your opening early with your pool professionals. We always recommends an early scheduling to ensure timely service and to tackle any surprises that winter may have left behind. Once the cover comes off, a thorough pool inspection, maintenance, and any necessary repairs should be on the agenda. This will ensure that when it’s time to dive in, your pool is safe, clean, and ready to enjoy!

Why Choose Fox Pools for Your Pool Closing

Now, you might be wondering, why choose Fox Pools? It’s about the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pool is in expert hands. Our customers often tell us how reassuring it is to have a team that not only understands the technicalities of pool maintenance but also values their investment as much as they do.


When you choose Fox Pools, you’re opting for a team that brings reliability, skill, and a genuine care for your pool and peace of mind to the table. So, when considering your next pool closing, why not give Fox Pools a call? Your pool – and future self – will thank you.


Navigating through the phases of pool ownership, especially through the quiet winter months, doesn’t have to be a solo journey. From the comprehensive steps in closing your pool to keeping it in top shape during the off-season, and then joyfully reopening it, every step matters. Pool closing, with its layered processes and precautionary steps, is more than a chore—it’s a safeguarding of your delightful summer days ahead.


Choosing Fox Pools for your expert pool closing services isn’t just opting for a service. It’s choosing reliable pool maintenance and a team that truly understands and respects your leisure and investment. It’s choosing a partner to navigate through the closed pool signs of winter, straight into the open, inviting waters of summer. So, when it’s time to close, maintain, or reopen your pool, Fox Pools is here, ready to ensure your pool is always in its best shape, season after season.

Illuminating Your Oasis: A Comprehensive Guide to Pool Lights

Picture a warm summer evening, the sky adorned with twinkling stars, and your backyard pool glowing with vibrant, mesmerizing colors. This picturesque scene is not just a product of your imagination; it’s the magic of pool lights at work. Pool lights transform your aquatic haven into a captivating and inviting retreat, extending your swimming pleasure well into the night. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the world of pool lights, exploring their types, installation, maintenance, and how Fox Pools can help you create the perfect pool lighting experience.

A Guide to Properly Opening and Closing Your Pool

The Essence of Pool Lighting

Pool lights are not just functional; they are a design element that adds character and ambiance to your pool area. They serve several essential purposes:

  • Safety: Illuminating your pool after dark ensures that swimmers can see clearly, reducing the risk of accidents and providing peace of mind.

  • Aesthetics: Pool lighting creates a visually stunning focal point, enhancing the overall appeal of your outdoor space.

  • Extended Enjoyment: With the right pool lighting, you can extend your swimming hours, making the most of your investment in a pool.

  • Customization: Pool lighting options come in various colors and styles, allowing you to tailor your lighting to match your mood and the occasion.

Types of Pool Lights

Pool lighting has evolved significantly over the years, offering an array of options to cater to different preferences and needs. The three primary types of pool lights are:

1. Incandescent Pool Lights


  • Affordable: Incandescent lights are typically the least expensive option upfront.
  • Warm Glow: They emit a warm and inviting glow that complements traditional pool aesthetics.


  • Higher Energy Consumption: Incandescent lights are less energy-efficient, leading to higher operational costs.
  • Shorter Lifespan: They have a shorter lifespan compared to LED lights.

2. LED Lights


  • Energy-Efficient: LED lights consume less energy, resulting in cost savings over time.
  • Longevity: They have a longer lifespan than incandescent lights, reducing the frequency of replacements.
  • Color Options: LED lights offer a wide range of color choices, allowing for customizable lighting effects.
  • Remote Control: Some LED lights come with remote control options for easy adjustments.


  • Higher Initial Cost: LED lights tend to have a higher upfront cost than incandescent lights.

3. Fiber Optic Lights


  • Safe: Fiber optic lights do not use electricity in the pool, eliminating the risk of electrical accidents.
  • Durability: They are resistant to wear and tear since they don’t have bulbs or filaments.
  • Color Variety: Fiber optic lights can create a mesmerizing color display.


  • Complex Installation: Installation can be more involved, and repairs may require specialized knowledge.
  • Limited Color Control: Adjusting colors may not be as easy as with LED lights.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure your pool lights continue to shine brightly and safely. Here are some key points to consider:


  • Professional Installation: It’s highly recommended to have pool lights installed by a qualified technician to ensure safety and compliance with local electrical codes.

  • Positioning: The placement of pool lights is crucial for even illumination. Consider factors such as pool size, shape, and water features.

  • Wiring: Ensure that wiring is correctly connected, insulated, and protected to prevent electrical hazards.


  • Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect your pool lights for signs of wear, damage, or water infiltration. Any issues should be addressed promptly.

  • Cleaning: Keep the light lenses and fixtures clean from debris and algae buildup to maintain optimal brightness.

  • Bulb Replacement: If you have incandescent or halogen lights, be prepared to replace bulbs as they burn out. LED and fiber optic lights have longer lifespans.

Enhancing Your Pool Lighting

While the type of pool light you choose is important, the overall lighting effect can be further enhanced with the following techniques:

1. Multicolored Lighting

Mix and match colors to create captivating lighting scenes. You can even synchronize your pool lights with music for a dynamic experience.

2. Water Features

Combine pool lights with water features like waterfalls or fountains to create mesmerizing reflections and movement.

3. Landscaping Lights

Extend your pool’s ambiance by incorporating landscaping lights around the pool area, adding depth and dimension to your outdoor space.

4. Smart Control Systems

Invest in smart pool lighting systems that allow you to control your lights remotely through your smartphone or voice commands.

Why Choose Fox Pools

When it comes to pool lights, you need a partner who understands the nuances of pool lighting, from installation to customization. Here’s why Fox Pools is your trusted choice:

1. Expertise

At Fox Pools, we bring years of experience in the pool industry. Our technicians are well-versed in the intricacies of pool lighting, ensuring a seamless installation and hassle-free maintenance.

2. Safety Assurance

Your safety is our top priority. Our professional installation guarantees that your lights are not only aesthetically pleasing but also meet the highest safety standards.

3. Customization

We understand that every pool owner has unique preferences. Whether you want to create a calming ambiance or a lively atmosphere, we have the expertise to customize your pool lighting to suit your vision.

4. Energy Efficiency

We offer energy-efficient pool lighting solutions, such as LED lights, to help you save on operational costs while enjoying stunning pool lighting.

Contact Us Today

How to Clean a Pool in Virginia

Pool lights are the secret ingredient that elevates your pool from ordinary to extraordinary. Whether you prefer the warm glow of incandescent lights, the versatility of LED lights, or the safety of fiber optic lights, Fox Pools has you covered.

Investing in quality pool lighting not only enhances the aesthetics of your pool but also extends your enjoyment well into the night. Contact Fox Pools today to discover how we can transform your pool into an illuminated oasis that dazzles and delights.

Pool Pumps: The Heart of Your Pool

Picture this: a hot, sunny day, the sound of laughter in the background, and the enticing coolness of a swimming pool beckoning you to take a refreshing dip. Your pool is a haven of relaxation, but have you ever stopped to consider the unsung hero that makes it all possible? Enter the pool pump, a vital component that ensures your pool remains crystal clear, healthy, and ready for endless summer fun. In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey into the world of pool pumps, shedding light on their significance, types, common issues, and the expert solutions provided by Fox Pools.

What are the Services for Pool Leak Detection?

The Lifeblood of Your Pool: Demystifying Pool Pumps

Pool pumps are the unsung champions of pool maintenance. They serve as the heart of your pool’s circulation and filtration system, working tirelessly to keep the water clean, safe, and well-maintained. To put it simply, a pool pump is responsible for:

  • Circulation: Pool pumps circulate water from your pool, through the filter, and back into the pool. This continuous flow helps distribute chemicals evenly, preventing the water from becoming stagnant.

  • Filtration: The pump drives water through the pool’s filtration system, where debris, dirt, and impurities are trapped and removed. This process is essential to maintain water clarity and quality.

  • Chemical Distribution: Pool pumps ensure that chemicals, such as chlorine or pH balancers, are evenly distributed throughout the pool, preventing algae growth and bacteria buildup.

  • Water Temperature: In some cases, pool pumps can also be used to circulate water through heating systems, helping to maintain a comfortable swimming temperature.

Types of Pool Pumps

Pool pumps come in various types, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. The most common types of pool pumps include:

Single-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Affordable: Single-speed pumps are typically the least expensive option.
  • Simplicity: They are easy to install and operate.


  • Energy Inefficient: These pumps run at a constant, high speed, consuming more energy than necessary.
  • Limited Control: You have minimal control over the water flow rate, potentially leading to excessive filtration.

Dual-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Energy Savings: Dual-speed pumps offer the flexibility to run at a lower speed when high circulation is not needed, reducing energy consumption.
  • Improved Efficiency: They strike a balance between performance and energy savings.


  • Higher Cost: Dual-speed pumps are more expensive than single-speed pumps.

Variable-Speed Pool Pumps


  • Maximum Efficiency: Variable-speed pumps provide precise control over the flow rate, offering significant energy savings.
  • Quiet Operation: They run quieter than single and dual-speed pumps.


  • Higher Initial Cost: Variable-speed pumps tend to have a higher upfront cost.

Common Pool Pump Issues

Pool pumps, like any mechanical equipment, can experience issues over time. Recognizing these issues early is essential to prevent more extensive damage. Here are some common pool pump problems:

1. Strange Noises

Unusual noises like grinding, rattling, or squealing can indicate worn-out bearings, debris stuck in the impeller, or a misaligned motor shaft.

2. Leaks

Water leaks around the pump housing or plumbing connections may result from damaged seals, gaskets, or loose fittings.

3. Loss of Prime

If your pool pump loses prime, it means it’s unable to maintain the necessary suction to keep water flowing properly. This can be caused by a clogged strainer basket, an air leak in the suction line, or a malfunctioning pump lid o-ring.

4. Low Flow Rate

A decrease in water flow can be due to a clogged impeller, a blocked filter, or a malfunctioning motor. Low flow rates can result in poor water circulation and inadequate filtration.

5. Motor Issues

If the pool pump motor won’t start, overheats, or frequently trips the circuit breaker, it indicates electrical or motor problems that require attention.

DIY vs. Professional Pool Pump Repair

Maintenance of Swimming Pool Pump Motors

When faced with pool pump issues, homeowners often wonder whether to attempt a DIY repair or seek professional assistance. The choice depends on your comfort level with pool equipment and your understanding of electrical systems.

DIY Pool Pump Repair


  • Cost-Effective: DIY repairs can save on service fees.
  • Immediate Action: You can address minor issues as they arise.
  • Learning Opportunity: DIY repairs can help you gain knowledge about your pool system.


  • Safety Risks: Working with electricity and water can be dangerous if not done correctly.
  • Limited Expertise: Complex issues may be beyond your DIY capabilities.
  • Voided Warranty: DIY repairs might void your pump’s warranty.

Professional Pool Pump Repair


  • Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix a wide range of pump problems.
  • Safety: Trained technicians ensure that repairs are done safely and according to industry standards.
  • Warranty Preservation: Professional repairs typically do not void your pump’s warranty.


  • Cost: Professional repairs may have a higher upfront cost.
  • Scheduling: You may need to wait for an appointment, especially during peak pool season.

Fox Pools: Your Trusted Pool Pump Repair Partner

Choosing the right partner for pool pump repair is crucial to the health and longevity of your pool. Fox Pools stands out as your trusted ally for several reasons:

1. Expertise

Our team of technicians at Fox Pools boasts years of experience in the pool industry. They undergo rigorous training to stay updated with the latest technologies and repair techniques, ensuring your pool pump receives top-notch care.

2. Safety First

Safety is our paramount concern. When you choose Fox Pools, you’re opting for a company that adheres to strict safety protocols to protect you, your loved ones, and your property during the repair process. Our technicians are trained to handle electrical components and water systems with the utmost care.

3. Efficiency

We understand that a malfunctioning pool pump can disrupt your pool enjoyment. That’s why we strive for swift and efficient repairs. Our team works diligently to get your pool pump back in working order promptly.

4. Warranty Protection

Opting for Fox Pools ensures that your manufacturer’s warranty remains intact. Our technicians follow industry standards, and we use genuine replacement parts to maintain your pump’s warranty.

5. Customer Satisfaction

At Fox Pools, we take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer your questions and provide guidance on pump maintenance and care. We believe that a well-informed pool owner is a happy one.

Contact Us Today

BG Fox Pools

Your pool pump is the lifeblood of your pool, responsible for maintaining water quality, clarity, and safety. When issues arise, whether it’s strange noises, leaks, or loss of prime, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Fox Pools.

While DIY repairs might be tempting, they carry risks and limitations. Professional pool pump repair ensures your safety, preserves your warranty, and provides peace of mind. Contact us at Fox Pools today to get started.

Dive into Savings: The Ultimate Guide to Pool Motor Repair

A crystal-clear, inviting swimming pool is the crown jewel of any backyard oasis. However, maintaining that picture-perfect pool comes with its fair share of responsibilities. Among these, one crucial component often overlooked is the pool motor. The unsung hero of your aquatic haven, the pool motor is responsible for keeping the water clean, properly circulated, and at the right temperature. But what happens when this silent guardian fails to function as it should? That’s where Fox Pools comes in, your trusted partner in pool motor repair.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of pool motor repair. From identifying common issues to offering expert solutions, we’ve got you covered. By the time you finish reading, you’ll not only understand the inner workings of your pool motor but also be well-equipped to handle any motor-related problems that may arise. So, let’s jump right in!

How Often You Need Pool Filter Cleaning?

The Heartbeat of Your Pool: Understanding Pool Motors

Your pool motor is the powerhouse behind your pool’s filtration and circulation systems. It pumps water through the filter, ensuring that debris and impurities are trapped and removed, leaving your pool water sparkling clean. Additionally, it plays a significant role in maintaining the pool’s temperature, keeping it comfortable for swimming.

Pool motors come in various sizes and types, but the most common ones are single-speed, two-speed, and variable-speed motors. While single-speed motors are the most straightforward and least expensive, they may not be the most energy-efficient option. Two-speed and variable-speed motors offer more flexibility and cost savings over time.

Common Pool Motor Issues

Despite their importance, pool motors can encounter a range of problems over time. Identifying these issues early is key to preventing more extensive damage and costly repairs. Here are some of the most common pool motor problems:

1. Strange Noises

If your pool motor is producing unusual sounds, such as grinding, squealing, or rattling, it could be a sign of a problem. These noises may indicate worn-out bearings, debris stuck in the impeller, or other issues that require attention.

2. Motor Won’t Start

A pool motor that refuses to start can quickly turn your refreshing swim into a disappointing ordeal. This issue may be caused by a malfunctioning capacitor, electrical problems, or a damaged motor.

3. Low Flow Rate

If you notice that the water flow in your pool has significantly decreased, it could be due to a clogged impeller, a blocked filter, or a malfunctioning motor. Low flow rates can lead to inadequate filtration and poor water quality.

4. Overheating

An overheating pool motor can be a safety hazard and a costly problem to fix. It may result from poor ventilation, damaged wiring, or a motor running at higher speeds than it should.

5. Leaking Water

Water leakage around the motor area is a red flag. It may indicate a damaged seal or gasket, which can lead to further motor damage and water contamination.

6. Tripped Circuit Breaker

If your pool motor repeatedly trips the circuit breaker, it’s a sign of an electrical issue that needs immediate attention. Ignoring this problem can lead to electrical hazards.

DIY vs. Professional Repair

When faced with pool motor issues, many pool owners wonder whether they should attempt a DIY repair or seek professional assistance. While some minor issues can be addressed by homeowners with the right knowledge and tools, it’s crucial to consider your comfort level with pool motor repair and your understanding of electrical systems.

DIY Pool Motor Repair


  • Cost-Effective: DIY repairs can save you money on service fees.
  • Immediate Action: You can address minor issues as soon as they arise.
  • Learning Opportunity: You can gain valuable knowledge about your pool system.


  • Safety Risks: Working with electricity and water can be dangerous if not done correctly.
  • Limited Expertise: You may not have the expertise to diagnose complex motor problems.
  • Voided Warranty: DIY repairs may void your pool motor’s warranty.

Professional Pool Motor Repair


  • Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix a wide range of pool motor issues.
  • Safety: Trained technicians ensure that repairs are done safely and according to industry standards.
  • Warranty Preservation: Professional repairs typically do not void your pool motor’s warranty.


  • Cost: Professional repairs may come with a higher upfront cost than DIY.
  • Scheduling: You may need to wait for an appointment, especially during peak pool season.

Fox Pools: Your Trusted Pool Motor Repair Partner

Maintenance of Swimming Pool Pump Motors

When it comes to pool motor repair, trusting the experts at Fox Pools is a decision that guarantees peace of mind and the longevity of your pool equipment. Here’s why Fox Pools stands out as your top choice:

1. Expertise

With years of experience in the pool industry, our technicians are well-versed in all types of pool motor issues. They undergo rigorous training to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and repair techniques, ensuring that your pool motor receives the best possible care.

2. Safety First

Safety is our top priority. When you choose Fox Pools, you’re choosing a company that follows strict safety protocols to protect you, your family, and your property during the repair process. Our technicians are trained to handle electrical components and water systems safely.

3. Efficiency

We understand that a malfunctioning pool motor can disrupt your enjoyment of your pool. That’s why we aim for quick and efficient repairs. Our team works diligently to get your pool motor back in working order as soon as possible.

4. Warranty Protection

Choosing Fox Pools for your pool motor repair ensures that your manufacturer’s warranty remains intact. Our technicians follow industry standards, and we use genuine replacement parts to maintain the integrity of your pool motor’s warranty.

5. Customer Satisfaction

At Fox Pools, we take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer your questions and provide guidance on pool motor maintenance and care. We believe that a well-informed pool owner is a happy one.

Contact Us Today

BG Fox Pools

Your pool motor is the heartbeat of your pool, and its proper functioning is crucial to maintaining clean, clear water and a comfortable swimming environment. When issues arise, whether it’s strange noises, motor failure, or any other problem, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Fox Pools.

DIY repairs can be tempting, but they come with risks and limitations. Professional pool motor repair ensures your safety, preserves your warranty, and provides peace of mind that the job will be done right the first time.

Don’t let pool motor problems turn your poolside paradise into a nightmare. Contact Fox Pools today and let our team of experts take care of your pool motor repair needs. Trust us to keep your pool in top-notch condition, so you can enjoy countless hours of aquatic bliss.

The Importance of Pool Safety Covers

The joys of owning a swimming pool are vast, from relaxed dips on hot summer days to energetic pool parties with friends. But with this luxury comes a key responsibility – safety. One aspect that often gets overlooked is pool safety covers. They aren’t just functional, but a crucial element that can protect lives, save money, and keep your pool in tip top shape.

Understanding Pool Safety Covers


What exactly are pool safety covers? Simply put, they are strong, protective barriers that can be installed over the surface of a pool. Available in a variety of materials and designs, they can be manual, semi-automatic, or automatic, each with their own set of advantages.


Pool safety covers serve a dual purpose – they deter accidental entry into the pool while maintaining pool quality. They are tailored to fit your pool’s shape and size, providing an effective and reliable solution for pool safety and maintenance.

How to Winterize your Swimming Pool

Importance of Pool Safety Covers



The paramount reason to consider pool safety covers is to enhance safety. They form a robust barrier that prevents accidental falls, thus reducing the risk of injuries and unfortunate drownings. Furthermore, these covers are a godsend if you have pets or if wildlife often visits your backyard, ensuring their safety around the pool.


Maintenance and Convenience

In addition to safety, pool safety covers significantly reduce the amount of debris that enters your pool. This means less time spent skimming leaves off the water surface and a potential reduction in the frequency of professional pool cleanings.


These covers also protect your pool from the whims of weather. Harsh sunlight, rain, snow – your pool will be shielded from these elements, preserving your pool’s integrity and cleanliness.

The Best Safety Cover Options in 2022


Energy and Cost Efficiency

Pool safety covers are an investment that can pay for themselves over time. They significantly reduce water evaporation, helping conserve water. They also maintain pool temperature, meaning you spend less on heating costs.


The protective features of a pool safety cover can extend the lifespan of your pool, saving you money on major repairs or replacements in the long run.


Selecting the Right Pool Safety Cover


When it comes to choosing a pool safety cover, several factors come into play. The size and shape of your pool, the local climate, and your budget are just a few considerations.


Measuring your pool for a safety cover can be a complex task. It’s not just about length and width; you need to factor in steps, ladders, and other pool features. Professional help is recommended for this task to ensure a perfect fit.


Pool Safety Cover Installation and Maintenance


Installation of a pool safety cover is a process best left to professionals. It involves careful measurement, precise installation, and a keen understanding of the pool’s structure.


Like any pool accessory, safety covers require regular maintenance and inspection. Check for wear and tear, clean the cover regularly, and ensure it’s properly secured when in use. These steps will help prolong the cover’s life.


A Guide to Properly Opening and Closing Your Pool

Legal Requirements and Regulations


In some regions, safety standards and regulations mandate the use of pool safety covers. Besides, having one can have legal benefits like positively affecting your homeowner’s insurance. It’s crucial to understand and adhere to these regulations for your region.




Investing in a pool safety cover is a decision that pays dividends in the long run. Beyond the evident safety features, it simplifies maintenance, increases energy efficiency, and even meets legal requirements in certain areas. So, don’t think of it as an unnecessary expenditure but as an investment in safety, convenience, and peace of mind.


Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get a pool safety cover today and enjoy your pool with the confidence of knowing that it’s a safer place for everyone. For more information on safety covers and professional installation, please feel free to contact us.

Get a Professional Pool and Spa Inspection Done

Imagine coming home after a long day, eager to relax by your pool or spa, only to find it in terrible shape. To avoid disappointment and potential hazards, the solution is simple: regular professional pool and spa inspections. These inspections are comprehensive examinations of your pool or spa by trained professionals. Not only do they help ensure that your pool or spa is safe, but they also help maintain the longevity of your pool and spa.


The Comprehensive Pool and Spa Inspection Process


A professional pool and spa inspection process covers several critical aspects. A pool inspection includes a thorough examination of the pool structure and surface for any signs of damage such as cracks or chipping. The coping and tiles are also checked for any issues. Pool equipment such as pumps, heaters, and filters are checked to ensure they’re working properly. Inspectors also examine the plumbing and electrical systems for any faults. Finally, safety aspects, like gates, fences, and ladders, are inspected to confirm they meet safety standards.


The spa inspection process is quite similar, with an emphasis on checking the spa surface for wear and tear. The structure integrity of the shell is examined for any signs of damage. Spa equipment like the heater, blowers, and jets are inspected for functionality. Lastly, safety features such as covers and rails are scrutinized for their condition and compliance with safety regulations.

The Importance of Pool and Spa Inspections


The Benefits of a Professional Pool and Spa Inspection


Professional inspections offer a wealth of benefits. Foremost among these is safety; professional inspections ensure that every part of your pool or spa is safe to use and meets required safety standards. Routine inspections also serve to catch minor issues before they become major, costly repairs. Inspectors can identify potential problems early and suggest solutions, which can save you a significant amount of money in the long run. Lastly, inspections help maintain the optimal operation of your pool or spa, ensuring that your equipment is running smoothly and prolonging its lifespan.


The Ideal Times to Get a Pool and Spa Inspection


Pool and spa inspections should ideally be scheduled at key moments. When buying a home with a pool or spa, a professional inspection is crucial to ensure that you’re not inadvertently signing up for a costly repair. Regular maintenance inspections should be a staple part of your pool and spa upkeep as they help in keeping your amenities in top condition. In the aftermath of a major weather event or disaster, a thorough inspection is necessary to assess any potential damage and ensure everything is in order.

Hot Tub Repair Service / Spa Repairs in Hampton Roads


Understanding the Cost of Pool and Spa Inspections


The cost of an inspection depends on several factors. On average, pool and spa inspections can range from $200 to $500, depending on the complexity and size of the inspection. The cost can also vary based on the pool or spa’s size, the location, and the extent of the inspection. It’s important to remember that while there’s a cost to an inspection, it can prevent future expenses by identifying potential issues before they escalate into serious problems.


Selecting a Professional Inspector and Post-inspection Measures


When choosing a professional inspector, look for someone with experience and a good reputation. They should have a keen eye for detail and a thorough understanding of pool and spa systems. Furthermore, ensure that the inspector has the necessary credentials and certifications. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their experience, how they conduct inspections, and what their report will include.


After the inspection, it’s important to go through the inspection report with your inspector. They should be able to explain their findings and offer recommendations. Address any potential issues highlighted in the report promptly. Delaying repairs can lead to more serious, costly problems down the line. Lastly, don’t forget to continue with regular maintenance to keep your pool or spa in top condition and extend its lifespan.

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Having a professional pool and spa inspection isn’t just about maintaining your amenities; it’s about safety, preventing future expenses, and ensuring the longevity of your pool or spa. Regular inspections can save you time, money, and help you enjoy your amenities without worry. So don’t wait for a problem to arise. Stay ahead with professional inspections.

Looking for a Pool Equipment Upgrade?

Does your pool seem to lack the vibrancy and efficiency it once had? The secret could lie in your pool equipment. This blog post is dedicated to helping you understand when and why an upgrade might be necessary. We’ll also explore various types of pool equipment you could consider for an upgrade. Let’s get started!


Understanding the Need for Pool Equipment Upgrade


Pool equipment doesn’t last forever. With time, wear and tear take a toll, leading to less effective performance. Pool pumps that frequently malfunction, heaters that fail to maintain a consistent temperature, or filters that seem to allow debris to slip through are all signs your pool equipment might need an upgrade.


Outdated equipment can lead to more extensive and costly maintenance. Also, an inefficient pool system can create a less enjoyable swimming experience due to imbalances in water chemistry or temperature inconsistencies.

What to Ask During Swimming Pool Inspections


Types of Pool Equipment to Consider Upgrading


Pool Pumps: These are the heart of your pool’s circulation system. If you’re still using a single-speed pump, it may be time to consider upgrading to a dual-speed or variable-speed pump. These newer models are more energy-efficient, reducing electricity costs, and often offer better performance.


Pool Heaters: Technology has come a long way in pool heaters. Nowadays, models like heat pumps and solar heaters not only save energy but also maintain a more consistent pool temperature.


Pool Filters: An efficient filtration system is crucial for keeping your pool crystal clear. Modern filters operate more effectively and require less maintenance, making your pool care routine easier.

How to Clean a Cartridge Filter


Pool Cleaners: Consider upgrading to an automatic pool cleaner or even a robotic cleaner. These devices can help keep your pool spotless with little effort on your part.


Pool Lighting: LED lighting is not just for your home interior. Using LED lights in your pool not only enhances visibility but also saves energy and offers beautiful aesthetic appeal.


Key Factors to Consider when Upgrading Pool Equipment


When contemplating a pool equipment upgrade, consider the size and type of your pool. Equipment suitable for a small, above-ground pool may not work efficiently for a larger, in-ground pool.


Budget is always a consideration. However, remember that sometimes investing in high-quality, energy-efficient equipment can result in cost savings over time. Lastly, consider the ease of operation and maintenance. Advanced pool equipment often comes with features that simplify usage and upkeep.

Why You Should Upgrade Your Pool Equipment


Making the Upgrade: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional


While the DIY approach may seem tempting to save on upfront costs, pool equipment installation can be complex. Without proper training, you risk improper installation, which can lead to poor performance or even damage to the equipment.


Hiring a professional ensures your pool equipment is installed correctly and operates at maximum efficiency. Look for certified professionals with positive reviews and experience in the field.




Your pool is an important part of your home, a source of fun and relaxation. To keep it operating at its best, consider upgrading your pool equipment. Whether it’s the pool pump, heater, filter, cleaner, or lights, modern equipment offers improved performance, energy efficiency, and ease of operation. While making the upgrade, consider hiring a professional for proper installation. A small investment now can lead to significant benefits in the long run.

When Does Your Pool Filter Need a Sand Change?

As a pool owner, you probably enjoy the feeling of cooling off in your backyard pool during the summer. But have you ever observed that the water in your pool doesn’t appear to be as dazzling as it once was? So, do not worry! Perhaps it’s time for a pool filter sand change. In this post, we’ll delve into the world of pool upkeep and examine when and why you might want to think about giving your dependable pool filter a little tender loving care.

Maintenance of Swimming Pool Pump Motors

Understanding Your Pool Filter and Sand

Before getting into the specifics of how frequently to replace the sand, let’s take some time to discuss how your pool filter functions. By removing impurities and debris, your pool filter is in charge of maintaining your water’s clarity and cleanliness. And what’s this? The sand is one of the main participants in this cleansing process.

You read that correctly, Sand. Pool filter sand functions as an excellent natural filter that captures and gets rid of all those bothersome impurities and particles, leaving your water sparkling and inviting. But over time, this reliable sand may become less effective, resulting in murky water and poorer filtration.

Indicators That It’s Time to Change the Sand

Now that we are aware of the significance of pool filter sand, let’s discuss the warning signs that it’s time to replace the sand:

1. Cloudy Water That Refuses to Clear Up: It’s an indication that your sand is having trouble keeping up with the needs of filtration if your pool water has been appearing more like a muddy pond than a sparkling oasis. Clarity in the water can be dramatically improved with a new batch of sand.

2. Lessening of Water Circulation: Is the water circulation in your pool less effective than it used to be? Sand that is clogged could be the problem. A properly operating pool filter requires proper water circulation, which can be restored by changing the sand.

3. Pressure Gauge Increase: The majority of pool filters contain a pressure gauge that lets you know when the sand needs to be cleaned or replaced. An excellent indication that a sand change is approaching is a noticeable rise in pressure on the gauge.

4. Shorter Filter Run Times: Have you noticed that to keep the water clear, you need to run your pool filter more frequently and for longer periods of time? This increased workload can be an indication that the filter sand needs to be replaced.

5. Clearly Visible Wear and Tear: If you’ve had your pool filter for some time and haven’t changed the sand, it might be worthwhile to do so. It’s time for a new beginning when there are signs of wear, such as clumping or degradation.

The Benefits of a Timely Pool Filter Sand Change

Although replacing the sand in your pool filter may seem like just another hassle, believe us when we say the rewards are priceless:

1. Water that is crystal clear: The return of your pool’s water’s brilliant purity is the most visible benefit of a sand replacement. A stunning, glistening paradise is the perfect replacement for dismal, uninviting pools.

2. Enhanced Filtration Performance: The ability of your pool filter to collect waste and particles declines with age. A sand replacement gives your filter new life, enabling it to function at its best and maintain crystal-clear water.

3. Reduced Energy Costs: Your pool filter won’t have to work as hard to keep your water clean with a new batch of sand in it. Lower energy consumption as a result of this improved efficiency translates to long-term cost savings for you.

4. Extensive Equipment Lifespan: Your pool pump and other equipment will operate more efficiently if your pool filter is kept clean with new sand. This may increase their longevity, saving you money on pricey maintenance or replacement.

DIY vs. Professional Sand Change

You might be unsure of your ability to change the sand in a pool filter on your own. The answer is both yes and no, though! Even though some seasoned pool owners might feel at ease managing the task, it’s important to proceed cautiously. Incorrect sand handling or failing to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions could result in issues later on.

It’s always a good idea to bring in the experts if you have any doubts or lack confidence in your DIY abilities. Professional pool technicians with the knowledge and equipment to carry out a smooth sand change without a hitch include those from AquaClear Pools. Additionally, they can check the entire pool system for any additional problems and take care of them before they worsen.

Get a Pool Filter Sand Change Today

BG Fox Pools

Maintaining a beautiful swimming environment and extending the life of your pool equipment depend on knowing when to change your pool filter sand. A sand change is a modest effort that reaps great advantages, whether you decide to do it yourself or depend on the knowledge of experts.

Do not hesitate to contact us at Fox Pools if you are prepared to spend the entire summer in a pool that is crystal clear. We have a helpful staff of professionals on hand to help you with any pool care requirements. Get in touch with us right now to keep your pool shining!

What Pool Inspections Entail

Does your backyard have a personal oasis? Undoubtedly, a swimming pool is a great addition to any house, offering several hours of entertainment and relaxation. However, it’s imperative to make sure your pool is secure and well-maintained as a responsible pool owner. Pool inspections become important in this situation. We’ll delve deeply into the realm of pool inspections in this post, covering everything from vital safety checks to preserving water quality, so you’ll be well-prepared to maintain your pool in top condition.

How to Clean a Pool in Virginia

Understanding the Value of Pool Inspections

Pool inspections are an essential part of pool ownership. These examinations are intended to evaluate the security and general health of your pool, highlighting any potential risks and problems. Regular inspections not only keep your family and visitors safe but also save you money by preventing expensive future repairs. So, when was the last time you had an inspection of your pool? If it’s been a while, let’s go over what these inspections comprise in more detail.

Safety First: Pool Safety Checks That Are Essential

When it comes to pool inspections, swimmer safety is of the utmost significance. Diverse safety features will be meticulously examined by a licensed pool inspector to make sure everything is in good working order. These qualities consist of:

1. Pool Fencing: The pool fence serves as the first line of security, keeping out intruders, particularly kids and dogs. The inspector will examine the gate and fence for any openings, damage, or weak spots to make sure they adhere to regional safety standards.

2. Pool Decking: The pool’s surrounding area should be devoid of tripping hazards and slip-resistant. The inspector will evaluate the pool deck’s condition and search for any hazards like cracks or uneven surfaces.

3. Drain Covers: If pool drains are not properly covered, they might pose major risks. To avoid entrapment accidents, the inspector will check that all drain covers are safe and up to code.

4. Safety Equipment: Around the pool, there should be easy access to adequate safety equipment, such as shepherd’s hooks and life rings. The inspector will attest to their existence and state.

Checking the Water Quality

Your pool’s water condition is equally crucial to safety. Nobody wants to swim in water that is muddy or chemically unbalanced. The water quality of the pool will be meticulously inspected. The inspector will be searching for the following:

1. pH Levels: To prevent the water in your pool from being either too acidic or too alkaline, the pH level should fall within a certain range. Maintaining the right pH levels helps prevent corrosion of pool equipment and maintains water clarity.

2. Levels of chlorine or other sanitizers: To eliminate bacteria and keep the water safe for swimmers, chlorine or other sanitizers are necessary. The sanitizer levels will be tested by the inspector to make sure they are sufficient.

3. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): TDS is a term used to describe the concentration of different dissolved materials in water. Water balance can be impacted by cloudiness and high TDS levels. TDS levels will be examined, and the inspector will suggest appropriate measures.

4. Filtration System: The pool’s filtration system is in charge of clearing the water of contaminants and debris. The inspector will evaluate the filter’s state and make sure it is in good working order.

Structural and Equipment Inspection

The inspection will include not only the pool but also its surrounding structures and associated equipment. This comprises:

1. Pool Equipment: To make sure pumps, motors, heaters, and other pool equipment are functioning correctly and efficiently, the inspector will examine their state.

2. Pool Surface and Structure: Over time, cracks or other surface damage to the pool can get worse, resulting in leaks and other structural problems. The pool shell will be examined by the inspector for any symptoms of deterioration.

3. Pool Covers: If your pool has a cover, the inspector will examine it to make sure it is in good working order and can be used safely.

Tips for a Successful Pool Inspection

Here are some helpful hints to make sure your pool passes the inspection with flying colors:

1. Consistent Maintenance: Maintain your pool consistently by skimming, vacuuming, and cleaning the pool area. This will aid in problem prevention and improve the condition of your pool.

2. Deal with Repairs: If your pool needs repairs, don’t wait to have them done. You can avoid expensive future problems by making repairs as soon as possible.

3. Use a Professional: It’s advisable to rely on a licensed pool inspector when having a pool inspected. Their skill and trained eye will guarantee a full assessment of the security and condition of your pool.

Schedule Your Inspection Today

Backwashing a Filter: How Often to Backwash a Pool Filter

Although owning a pool is fun, it also carries a lot of responsibilities. The longevity of your pool and the safety of swimmers are both guaranteed by regular pool inspections, which are a crucial component of responsible pool ownership. You can take preventative measures to maintain a secure and pleasurable swimming environment for everyone by being aware of what pool inspections entail.

Are you prepared to arrange a pool inspection? For expert and thorough pool inspection services, get in touch with our team at Fox Pools. Let’s maintain your pool in peak condition and enjoy some worry-free swimming!