Fox Pools is a leading provider of pool service & repairs and offers expert knowledge in the pool industry. Your local expert in pool service repairs – Fox Pools offers basic maintenance and cleaning advice.

Pool Opening Checklist – Opening Your Pool For Summer

Here at Fox Pools, we’re all about getting the pool season started the right way. Opening your pool for the summer doesn’t have to be such a chore. There are a few simple and easy methods that are part of our professional pool service when opening up a swimming pool the right way. Consequently, failing to open your pool correctly can cause damage to your pool and equipment; it can also create conditions that are less than idyllic for swimming. However, if you open your swimming pool properly, you’ll ensure that your pool is in ready to swim condition for swimmers from the moment you open your pool.

Pool Opening Checklist

Pool Opening Checklist

  1. Cleaning Off The Pool Cover
    Your winter cover should be free of any dead leaves and other debris. Removing any standing water from your pool cover is as simple as using a cheap and affordable pool cover pump. Sweep any other remaining debris off with a broom and spray clean with a garden hose.
  2. Remove & Store The Pool Cover
    The next step is to remove the cover from the pool and place it on a level surface so that it may be cleaned without contaminating the water. The cover must be placed on a level area and not dragged across any rugged terrain. Once cleaned off, it can be folded like an accordion and stored away.
  3. Skim The Pool Surface
    Once the pool cover has been removed and stored away. The pool surface must be skimmed to remove any lingering leaves or debris that could potentially clog the pool filter when turning the pool equipment back on.
  4. Remove Plugs & Add Water
    Most pools lose a few inches of water over the season whether there is a cover on the pool or not. Before filling it’s necessary to remove any plugs used to winterize the pool.
  5. Run Filter & Pump
    During this step it’s necessary to reinstall drain plugs in the pump and filter. This is also the prime time to do some basic pool maintenance that will ensure proper operation of your pool equipment throughout the season.
  6. Chemically Treat & Balance Water Chemistry
    At this stage your swimming pool must be properly chemically treated and balanced in order to ensure a harmonious swimming environment. Testing and adjusting for Alkalinity, pH, Cyanuric Acid, and Calcium Hardness is part of chemically treating the water, as is adding sanitizers, water clarifiers, and shock when necessary.

What If I Need Help Opening My Pool?

Many pool owners don’t have the time nor the inclination to want to go through this pool opening checklist. It is understandable that homeowners have better things to do with their time than going through this labor-intensive process. Opening a pool is one of those expert-level maintenance tasks that require numerous steps and has costly consequences if performed incorrectly. Consequently, it’s a task that most pool owners tend to leave to the professionals.

Pool Opening Service in Hamton Roads, VA

When To Use a Pool Opening Service

If your confidence level in pool chemistry and general level of enthusiasm for this task is low, you should most definitely hire a pool opening service. Here at Fox Pools, we’re here to provide you with expert and professional quality pool opening service in Hampton Roads. You’ll have the confidence of ensuring that your swimming pool has been properly opened for the swim season and avoid any costly mistakes in the pool opening process. If you’d like to schedule Pool Opening service with us we’d be happy to get you into our service schedule and get your pool opened up properly.

Pool Cleaning Tips in 2022

Having a pool on your home’s property is an incredible blessing. Whenever you like, you can cool yourself in the crystal-clear pool. Relaxing, frolicking, and playing endless water games are just some of the activities children can participate in while at the pool. Thanks to the importance of pool cleaning, summer sunbathers can lounge on a beach chair by the poolside.

Pool Cleaning Tips in 2022

However, is your swimming pool ready for the next summer months? Was it sanitized yet? So, if you haven’t, now is the time.

A well-maintained pool is also a safe one. Your swimming pool’s setting must be inviting to swimmers. Algae growth, PH imbalances, bugs and vermin, and other such issues can render your pool unusable over the summer months. On the other hand, a well-maintained pool will allow you to take pleasure in the chilly splash and endless swimming.

These easy-to-follow pool cleaning instructions can help you achieve a sparkling pool in no time at all. Continue reading:

Here are pool cleaning tips for 2022.

Keep the pool clean of debris

Dirty, foggy, and uninviting pools are due to debris such as leaves, insects, pet hair, animal feces, and more. Filters and drains can become clogged as a result. Debris can disrupt chemical equilibrium and serve as a food source for algae, causing them to flourish. Debris removal should be at the top of the list. Remove any overhanging debris with a long-handled net.

Backwashing the pool filter

The pool filter needs backwashing at least once a week. The filter can become totally clogged without a backwash. This can potentially result in the filter exploding in extreme circumstances.

However, the answer is remarkably easy. Remove dirt particles from the water by performing a backwash once a week with the filter. When you remove them from the pool, the pressure inside the filter can no longer rise.

The skimmer basket should always be clear

In order to keep your pool clean, you need a skimmer to remove material from the surface of the water. However, if you have a blocked skimmer basket, it will not efficiently clean your pool. The less you have to scrub the tiles, ladders, and stairs, the better your skimmer will operate.

You don’t need any special equipment to clean out your skimmer basket. Remove the basket and throw out the contents; it’s as simple as that. Spray down the basket with your hose if the holes appear clogged.

Scrubbing tiles and other surfaces

Keeping your pool’s tiles, ladders, and stairs clean is easy with regular skimming. However, your pool skimmer is unlikely to gather everything that falls into the water. Consequently,

You may wish to hand scrub these surfaces once a week. Creating a baking soda paste is an alternative to chemical cleansers. Using baking soda to clean pool tile is a good idea because it won’t harm the vinyl liner.

Remove any algae forming on your pool’s surface with a brush that has been dipped in your mixture.

Vacuum your pool regularly with a pool vacuum cleaner

Pool cleaning devices aren’t all equal when it comes to worthiness. But a pool vacuum is an investment you won’t regret. You can clean up the walls of your pool can manually, but the bottom of the pool is a different story.

At the very least, run your pool vacuum once a week. Make sure that you leave it on long enough to cover the entire bottom of your pool before you turn it off. You should run your pool vacuum twice a week if you live near trees or plants that deposit pollen, leaves, and other material.

Run the pool pump every day

Algae and other unpleasant substances can build up in a stagnant pool. So, it’s important to keep your pool’s circulation going, especially during the seasons when it’s busy. Moving water is more hygienic, clearer, and more enjoyable to swim in.

Keep your pool pump working for 8-12 hours a day during the hot months. Run the pump throughout the day, the entire week, if you can. Remember that the more time you spend running your pool pump, the more frequently you’ll need to backwash the filter.

Pool Cleaning Tips in 2022

Constantly shocking your pool? Check the chlorinator

You shouldn’t have to shock your pool on a regular basis. Once your pool has gotten tainted by excrement or algae accumulation, we recommend that you use a shock treatment. It’s a bigger problem if your pool water is still green or hazy.

If your chlorinator is doing its job correctly, the level of chlorine in your pool should remain stable. Your chlorinator may be to blame if you’re constantly shocked by your pool’s chlorine levels. There may be problems with the chlorine tablets, loading, or clogging.

Let Us Take Care of Your Pool for You

In order to keep your pool clean, there are a few more things you can do, but this is an excellent starting point to ensure your pool is always sparkling clean. Of course, the best way to prepare for pool cleaning is, of course, to do additional research. Contact Fox Pools to learn more about pool inspections.

Pool Inspections for Spring

It’s not a fluke that your pool’s gleaming water appears out of thin air. As long as you keep up with your responsibilities, you’ll reap the benefits. Your pool will stand out from the crowd if you fulfill your responsibilities in a timely manner. One of those jobs you should never skip is swimming pool inspections.

Aside from making an appointment, there are many factors to consider when performing a pool check. To provide just a few examples, the frequency and method by which pool inspectors carry out their inspections vary. Have any questions about swimming pool inspections? Fox Pools is here to answer them!

Pool Inspections for Spring

Schedule pool inspections for spring early

Any pool will experience wear and tear as well as damage from exposure to the environment. To keep the pool operating at its optimum, it is necessary to repair and maintain this kind of damage.

It’s a good idea to stick to a regular inspection plan for your pool. Many people choose to have them examined by a professional before dipping into their swimming pools for the first time this summer.

As temperatures rise, pool inspectors are more likely to be on the clock.

Families may have to wait a long time to find out if the pool is safe. As a result, you should make every effort to have an inspection scheduled as soon as possible. This includes taking care of the pool’s pump, filtration system, leak detection, or filter cleaning.

What do pool inspections include?

There are many distinct aspects to a pool inspection. Inquire ahead of time about the scope of the inspection that your swimming pool needs.

Pool filter

You may find a variety of pool filters that perform the same thing: purify and disinfect the pool water, regardless of kind. If you don’t have one, you’ll have a pool that’s a disaster! An inspector’s role is to ensure that your pool filter is securely in place. Also, all the valves that lead to the filter are working properly.

Saltwater corrosion

Saltwater pools are a luxurious alternative that requires fewer quantities of chlorine to sterilize and requires less maintenance. There’s a danger that salt will corrode metals. When inspecting saltwater pools, inspectors must exercise extra caution.

Equipment operation

A visual inspection and basic operation of the pool or spa’s equipment, including heating systems, valves, motors, filters, and pumps, will be part of the inspection. An inspection of the equipment will look for problems, such as leaks in exposed plumbing, insufficient electricity or heating, and other malfunctioning parts. The topic of pool safety and equipment lifetime will be introduced during an inspection. This will help determine whether or not the equipment needs repair or total replacement.

Pool pumps

Your pool’s pump is a critical piece of equipment. A pool can only be used for a short time if the pump is not working properly. Inspectors check the pump to see if it’s working right and make sure the wiring is safe.

Pool interior

Vinyl liners feature in some pools. To prevent water from escaping the pool, these devices are ideal. Repairing a tear in the liner could be expensive.

A variety of plasters help to finish off other swimming pools. Inspectors look for cracks in the plaster that could become a problem in the future, though some cracking is to be expected.

Pool safety

It is the job of pool inspectors to ensure that your time in the sun is as enjoyable as possible. For example, they may inspect to make sure that the pool is clear of any electrical wires and that the walks around your backyard pool are safe against trips and falls.

Inspections of the pool’s fencing and latches, if any are there, are important to ensure that nobody who shouldn’t be in the pool gets there by accident. The fence’s design should make it difficult for small children to climb over, preventing children from sneaking in unnoticed. Local legislation can provide a different minimum height requirement.

Pool Inspections for Spring

Pool lighting

A common feature of many pools is the inclusion of underwater lighting. Pool inspectors should test more modern LED lights and old-fashioned light bulbs to ensure they work properly. They will inspect the pool lighting fixtures for moisture, which can lead to mildew and mold problems. This person could also tell you what kind of lightbulb you’ll need.

Pool inspections with Fox Pools

You’re aware that while performing a pool check is not required, it is strongly advised. You need a professional to check a pool because the typical individual doesn’t know what to look for.

Your family’s peace of mind is worth the cost. As a new homeowner, you don’t want to face an unexpected financial burden. Do you have any questions concerning pool inspections? Contact Fox Pools so we can help.

How to Clean Your Pool Filter

You may not have cleaned your pool filter in a while. A lot more practice will help if you have trouble remembering. Keeping your pool clean is an essential element of pool care, and it can save you money in the long run.

Even if you don’t own a pool, you should know how important it is to keep the water free of debris. Cleaning your pool will protect against disease-causing germs and bacteria and extend the life of the pool. Swimming pool filters come into play here.

How to Clean Your Pool Filter

Pool filters trap debris, bugs, small particles, and other pollutants, removing them from your pool water. They also serve as a deterrent to the growth of bacteria and algae. Even though cleaning your pool filter isn’t the most fun thing, it’s necessary.

No matter what kind of filter you have, the steps for cleaning it are the same.

Pool filters come in three categories:

  • Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filters
  • Cartridge filters
  • Sand filters

Each filter type has a somewhat different method of cleaning. It’s easy to include pool filter cleaning in your annual spring maintenance checklist so that your pool is ready to use come summer.

Is it necessary to clean your pool filter in the pool?

As with any other piece of equipment, a pool filter will eventually fail. For example, poor cleaning can hasten this process and shorten its usefulness.

The filter becomes clogged with chemicals and debris over time. Filters in swimming pools can often clog and are less effective if you do not clean them regularly. Poor water quality and bacterial growth are the end outcomes.

Circulation of pool water is impossible without filters. To keep the swimming area clear, they spread the chemicals you put in the pool and help spread them out.

The pool pump may malfunction if the filters are clogged. It’s possible that it will overflow and flood, resulting in significant property damage. Pool filters need cleaning to avoid costly repairs and the spread of contagious diseases.

How to clean your pool filter.

Cartridge Filters

It’s good to hose down your cartridge filters every 2 to 3 weeks to prevent them from deteriorating and clogging. To do this, just remove the cartridge filter housing and clean it with a hose to remove any debris and dirt that has accumulated on it. It’s a simple process that normally takes a few minutes to complete.

If you’ve hosed down and soaked the cartridge filter and it does not improve your pool’s filtration, it might be time to replace the filter. If you have a stained cartridge, squishy to the touch, has small tears and holes, or generally looks unkempt, it’s probably time to replace it. It’s easy to swap out cartridge filters; just remove the old ones and insert the new ones.

Sand Filters

It’s time to backwash your sand filter once you’ve concluded that it needs a good cleaning. Backwashing is the technical term for cleaning a sand filter. You’ll find a 6-setting multi-port system on your sand filter. Circulate, rinse, backwash, and filter. Closed and waste are the final steps in the filtration process.

The technique of backwashing is quite straightforward. You should turn off the pump and leave the multiport valve handle set to “backwash” (or until you can clearly see the filter’s glass viewport). Set the multiport valve handle to rinse and allow it to run for a few minutes before shutting off the pump. Turn the pool pump back on after resetting the multiport to filter mode.

Based on the kind of media you’re using in your pool, you need to replace sand pool filters every 5 years.

How to Clean Your Pool Filter

Diatomaceous Earth Filter

A diatomaceous earth filter needs backwashing in the same manner as a standard sand filter. As a result of the high loss of diatomaceous earth media during backwashing, these filters are more expensive to maintain than sand filters. This necessitates frequent replacement of the DE media.

Additionally, DE filters have to undergo annual cleaning and degreasing to ensure good operation. On the other hand, DE is ultra-fine, necessitating the use of protective gear. Since diatomaceous earth can be harmful to human health, certain regions require particular permits and training for its use.


If you’re uncomfortable or have less time to enjoy your backyard pool, Fox Pools is here to help. We understand that the few moments of peace you have to yourself in today’s fast-paced world are priceless. Because of this, we have a team of professionals ready to inspect and clean your pool filter. Contact us today for your pool filter cleaning, inspection, leak detection, etc.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

Typically, pool filters are responsible for keeping your swimming pool clean at all times. Subsequently, pool filters are prone to clogging since they are responsible for getting rid of all dirt particles in the pool. Therefore, always take time to clean your pool filters regularly. Hiring a professional pool service company would be best to conduct pool filter cleaning.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

How do you clean a pool filter?

At present, there are different types of filters. The technique you use to clean a pool filter varies depending on its configuration. So, let’s look at a detailed procedure for cleaning different pool filters.

Cartridge pool filter cleaning

Cartridge pool filters are popular among a majority of pool owners. These filters are relatively simple to clean since you have to pull out the cartridge to clean it. If you have a cartridge pool filter, follow the below steps when cleaning it.

  1. Before you start cleaning a cartridge pool filter, you need to switch off the pool’s circulatory system for safety.
  2. Then, switch on the air relief valve to get rid of excess air from the system.
  3. Disintegrate the filter by removing all temporary fittings.
  4. Pull out the cartridge from the filter and place it in a safe space. Carefully examine the cartridge to check whether it has any cracks or abnormalities. If you have a worn-out cartridge, replace it with a new one. More often than not, you’ll have to replace the cartridge after every six months.
  5. If your cartridge is in good condition, clean it using clean water. Use a nozzle to spray water across the cartridge for thorough cleaning. Ensure you follow all the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the cartridge. If the cartridge is too dirty, soak it in a pool filter cleaning solution for at least 12 hours.
  6. The next thing to do is to rinse the cartridge using clean water.
  7. Ensure the O-ring on the filter tank is in good condition. Then, layer it with lubricant.
  8. Once the filter is dry, insert it into the filter and connect all the temporary fittings.
  9. Switch on the system and let it run normally.

Cleaning sand pool filters

Sand pool filters consume more effort and time when cleaning. Even so, ensure you clean your sand pool filter regularly to keep your swimming pool in good shape. Follow the steps below if you wish to clean your sand filter.

  1. The first step is to start by backwashing the filter. Backwashing facilitates a reverse flow of water in the pool to remove dirt particles tangling around the filter.
  2. Afterward, switch off the circulatory system.
  3. Remove excess air by turning on the air relief valve on top of the filter.
  4. Pull out the strainer lid of the pump.
  5. Put sand filter cleaner in the strainer basket and replace the lid.
  6. Switch on the pump for 15 to 30 seconds to facilitate the transfer of the sand filter cleaner to the filter.
  7. Once you switch off the pump, let the solution work on the filter for approximately 12 hours. It would be best to conduct this procedure overnight.
  8. The next thing to do is to backwash the filter once again. Doing this helps you get rid of all dirt particles deposited on the filter by the filter cleaner.
  9. Switch on the circulatory system after you finish backwashing the pool.

Why should you clean your pool filter?

Maintain a clean, healthy water environment:

When you clean your pool filter, you are able to maintain a healthy water environment. Typically, cleaning your filter improves its functionality. As a result, your filter will be able to keep your pool water clean at all times. Therefore, it will be much safer to swim in a pool with a clean filter.

A Guide to Filter Cleaning

Prevent clogging:

Pool filter cleaning prevents clogging. Pool filters encounter dirt from time to time. Cleaning a pool filter removes all debris and dirt particles entangled on the pool filter. Therefore, it reduces any blockage. Through pool filter cleaning, you are able to cut down on pool equipment repair costs.

Extended life on your pool filtration system:

Keeping your pool filter in good condition improves its longevity. Pool filter cleaning improves the equipment’s efficiency. Subsequently, you are less likely to encounter problems with your pool filtration system.

Are you looking for pool filter cleaning services?

At Fox Pools, we offer the best pool filter cleaning services. Our pool experts are highly experienced in cleaning different types of pool filters. Consequently, you can count on us to deliver quality pool filter cleaning services. On your first consultation, we take the time to listen to all your requirements. From there, we come onsite to examine and clean your pool filter. Moreover, we take good care of any replacements and repairs needed by your pool filter.

How to Conduct Pool Inspections

More often than not, every state requires pool owners to inspect their pools from time to time. Pool inspections help pool owners know whether their pool is in good condition. Failure to examine your pool frequently leads to serious issues that cost thousands of dollars to repair. So, always take the initiative of booking an inspection appointment with your local authorities.

How to Conduct Pool Inspections

What should you expect during pool inspections?

Pool Safety:

The majority of pool inspectors check whether your pool is safe for use. Although they are spectacular features, swimming pools can lead to accidents when built incorrectly. For example, if you don’t install your electrical wires correctly, you increase the danger of electrocution. Pool inspectors will examine all pool electrical cables to make sure they are not a cause for concern.

Pool inspectors also check the type of fencing and pool cover you have. In some states, it is compulsory to install a pool fence and cover if you have a pool on your property. Pool covers prevent pets and kids from accidentally falling into the pool. Remember, pool fencing should incorporate a certain height. So, when building your swimming pool, ensure you adhere to all safety guidelines.

Pool Interior:

Expect your pool inspectors to check the interior of your pool. For instance, if you have a vinyl pool, the pool inspectors check whether the liner is in good condition. You may have to replace the liner if it is damaged. Pool inspectors also examine the condition of your plaster. They identify potential cracks and leaks in the plaster and advice on the best repair techniques. Moreover, expect them to evaluate all decorative tiling and coping inside the pool.

Pool Lighting:

Currently, almost every pool owner has pool lights in their pool. Pool inspectors have to check the condition of your pool lights. Keep in mind that pool lights are prone to wear and tear. Your inspectors will check for mildew formation from condensation on the lighting fixtures. They may advise you on the best pool lights that work for you at times.

Pool Deck:

Most pool inspections involve a thorough examination of your pool deck. Pool decks are the area surrounding the pool. Your pool deck material should be non-slippery and of high quality. If you have a slippery pool deck, you may have to replace it. Additionally, if your pool deck has cracks, your pool inspectors will require that you replace it. This way, you’ll be able to avoid the common accidents that happen around the pool.

Saltwater Corrosion:

Do you have a saltwater pool? Your pool inspectors will check for corrosion if you have this type of pool. Saltwater pools can lead to rusting of pool equipment due to salt. Fortunately, there are various techniques you can use to prevent corrosion if you have a saltwater pool.

Pool Pumps:

The pool pump is undoubtedly the heart of the pool. This equipment facilitates a continuous flow of water across the pool. It ensures the pool water stays clean and sanitized. Therefore, pool inspectors have to check whether your pool pump is in good condition. Additionally, they check whether the installation was done correctly. A pool pump that doesn’t function leads to stagnant pool water.

Pool Filter:

During pool inspection, expect the inspectors to examine your pool filter. Pool filters are responsible for trapping dirt particles and debris in the pool. Thus, they have to check whether it’s functioning correctly. The pool filter should be secure and free from blockage. As a pool owner, ensure you clean your pool filter from time to time. Doing this helps you get rid of any dirt deposits on the filter.

Pool Heater:

If you have a pool heater, inspectors will examine it to see whether it complements the size of the pool. Additionally, they’ll check whether it’s functional. If your pool heater is not in good condition, you will have to replace it. So, ensure you take good care of your filter to avoid spending thousands of dollars on a replacement.

The Most Common Swimming Pool Designs

Pool Accessories:

Pool inspectors have to ensure all pool accessories are in good condition. So, if you have a waterfall, diving board, pool slide, fountain, or any other water feature, ensure they are in good shape. They also check whether all pool accessories are built according to safety guidelines. If you have pool slides or diving boards, pool inspectors check for sharp edges that might injure swimmers.

The final verdict

Pool inspections are compulsory in every state. Pool experts examine your pool to ensure it is in good condition. At Fox Pools, we have the best pool professionals who can examine your pool at any time. They are knowledgeable about all pool issues and equipment. Therefore, they can help you point out underlying issues with your pool. Ultimately, we offer the best pool inspections. Contact us today

Conducting Pool Leak Detection

Unquestionably, every pool owner dreads having a pool leak. Pool leaks indicate a serious issue with the structure of your pool. So, if you suspect you have a pool leak, call in a professional to examine your pool immediately. If you have a pool leak, fix it immediately to prevent further damage. But how do you conduct pool leak detection?

Conducting Pool Leak Detection

Things to know before pool leak detection

Although you can detect a pool leak yourself, it would be best to call in a professional.

Proving you have a pool leak

When suspecting a pool leak detection, the first thing to do is to look for proof. Keep in mind that water loss can be a result of many things. For instance, a high evaporation rate leads to water loss in your pool. So, you have to find proof of the pool leak. Some common signs of pool leaks are increased water bills, cracks, and challenges in keeping balanced water chemistry. A swampy area near the pool can also indicate a pool leak.

Examine your equipment pad

Worn-out pool equipment is more susceptible to cracks, which in turn cause leaks. So, always check your equipment pads to identify whether you have leaks. It would be best to examine equipment pads for four days in a row just to be sure water is coming from them. Also, when examining equipment pads, be careful to avoid electrocution.

Conduct a bucket test

One of the best ways to determine whether your pool has a leak is to conduct a bucket test. The bucket test requires you to fill a 5-gallon bucket with the pool water. Then, mark its waterline to compare the rate of evaporation in the bucket and the pool. Place it on the pool steps once you fill the bucket with water. Use waterproof tape to make the pool’s water level and leave the bucket for 24 to 48 hours. Afterward, compare the water level of the pool and the bucket. If the pool’s water level has a notable difference from the bucket’s water level, your pool may be experiencing a leak.

Use a dye test to confirm the leak’s location

You can also find out if you have a leak by using a dye test. This technique requires you to apply the dye to the area where you suspect there’s a leak. Then set aside the dye for a while. If there’s a leak in the area, it will naturally get sucked out. However, if there’s no leak, the dye will stay around the area for some time. You may have to dive into the pool to apply for the day. Use goggles and other diving equipment to help you navigate the pool safely.

Employ a pool service expert to detect pool leaks

One of the best ways to detect a pool leak is to employ a professional. At times, you may not be able to identify a pool leak by yourself. Only a professional can do this for you. The best thing about hiring a professional is that they will fix the pool leak for you. Subsequently, you won’t experience such a problem again in the future.

The most common causes of pool leaks

Tree roots

Trees around the pool area may be a threat to your swimming pool. Although they make your landscape look better, tree roots can interfere with the pool structure. Some trees have roots that grow long enough to apply excess pressure to the pool. As a result, the pools develop structural cracks. Avoid growing trees like pine, poplar, and ash around your pool area.

Seismic pressure

Another cause of pool leaks is seismic pressure. Seismic pressure often occurs deep in the ground and can damage the structure of swimming pools. At times, the pressure may be too much for the pool. In turn, this causes leaks. It can be unavoidable to prevent such types of leaks in your home.

Worn-out pool equipment

If you have old pool equipment, consider replacing it. This is because they become more susceptible to leaks. For instance, a damaged pool pump can develop cracks over time, leading to pool leaks.

Conducting Pool Leak Detection

Chemical imbalance

If you don’t balance the chemicals in your pool, they will wear out the surfaces of your pool. Consequently, pool water chemistry can lead to surface cracks. Surface cracks worsen with time to form structural cracks. This leads to pool leaks in the long run.


Here at Fox Pools, we have pool service experts who have extensive experience conducting pool leak detection. They come onsite and examine your pool to find out the source of the leak. From there, they recommend the best repair techniques for the leak. If you need any pool leak detection services, do not hesitate to contact us.

Swimming Pool Tips for a Safe Pool Year-round

If you do not have the necessary pool safety protocols in place, a wonderful day at the pool can soon turn into a nightmare. Through proper security, maintenance, training, and pool procedures, you can create a safer swimming environment. Here are some swimming pool tips to stay safe around your pool.

Swimming Pool Tips for a Safe Pool Year-round

Important swimming pool tips

Keep an eye on the kids:

The pool is a fun place to be, but it can also be hazardous, so teach your children to swim at a young age. Kids have a tendency to wander and may end up in the pool area. Install a door alarm if your house opens directly into a pool area. This will alert you when a child enters the pool area.

Set up a fence:

When you are not looking after your children or pets, erecting a safety fence around your pool with a self-locking gate will help keep them out of the pool water. In addition, it can help prevent unwanted creatures from entering the pool.

Make good use of inflatables:

Inflatables offer lots of enjoyment, particularly for kids. However, you must restrict the number of people in the pool at one time for the safety of swimmers. This also makes it easy to keep an eye on all the swimmers in the pool. Keep in mind that inflatables are prone to overturning. When the pool is not in use, remove the inflatables. This will help prevent any temptation for kids to reach in and grasp things.

Feet first:

Because most residential pools aren’t designed for diving, stick to the feet-first rule, especially if you have a water slide. Diving headfirst might result in injury, so establish a basic pool safety regulation for all guests.

Prepare yourself:

Keep a first-aid kit and rescue supplies close to your pool. Being equipped allows everyone to relax and enjoy their time at the pool. Make sure you have a phone close to the pool in case you want to make a phone call in an emergency. This lets you do so promptly in the event of an emergency.

Restricting access:

When not in use, drain inflatable swimming pools and remove stairs and ladders from above-ground swimming pools. When you’re not using the pool, cover it with a pool safety cover to prevent unintentional access.

Fix any damage:

It is important that railings and ladders are in good working order, so nobody gets injured while entering and exiting your pool. You should also make necessary repairs to your backyard pool deck to keep people from tripping.

Store chemicals safely:

Pool chemicals protect everyone using the pool by destroying disease-causing organisms in the water. However, they can be hazardous if left out in the open where kids can get to them. Store the chemicals in a secure location out of reach of kids.

Set the rules for the pool:

Educate yourself and your loved ones on what is and isn’t tolerable pool behavior. You might want to make a “pool rules” list that contains the following:

  • Avoid running on the pool deck.
  • Don’t submerge somebody or hold them underwater.
  • Do not dive into the pool.
  • Never swim without the supervision of an adult.
  • No pushing around the pool area.

Check the pool area for slipping hazards on a daily basis:

Leaving objects near the pool’s edge is dangerous as swimmers can trip and fall into the pool. When you’re not using cleaning equipment, toys, or floats, make sure you store them away from the pool water.

Pool alarm

You can select from a number of different alarms. For example, motion detector alarms or gate alarms. A motion sensor alarm mounted on a wall or fence may not be the best solution. An animal has wandered onto your property, and you have been rudely awakened. You won’t get a false alarm with an underwater motion alarm, and they’re simple to use. These pool alarms are always triggered in the pool, so a child cannot sneak or fall into the pool without setting off an alarm. Floating motion sensors will provide the same level of security, but they are susceptible to being tripped by severe winds.

Swimming Pool Tips for a Safe Pool Year-round

Reminders about pool safety all year

Even when your pool is not in use, the importance of safety is very important.

  • Store pool chemicals in a cabinet with plenty of ventilation.
  • When not in use, remove ladders and steps.
  • Make sure that no one is able to climb over, under, or through the fence.
  • Make sure your pool complies with local and state rules.

You can arrange for annual pool maintenance. Make sure you have the drain covers and pool inspected by a professional. Then ensure that anybody who uses the pool knows where the pool safety equipment is. Also, consider the swimming safety regulations you have, such as having an adult supervise kids always. Most pool mishaps take place when adults go away from the pool area for a brief period of time, leaving a youngster unsupervised.

Swimming pool tips for a safe pool

A swim in your pool is a terrific way of cooling off on a hot summer day. Swimming may be an enjoyable pastime where nobody gets hurt. This means that the pool is safe for you, your friends, and your loved ones if you follow a few safety rules. A safe pool should be well-maintained and supervised by professionals. Fox pools offer the very best in pool services, which include pool repairs, service, inspections, and pool equipment upgrades, to mention a few. Contact us today!

Top Swimming Pool Designs

In this present age and time, finding an ideal swimming pool design for your yard can be challenging. You need to evaluate several factors before you settle on a particular swimming pool design. Also, employ a reputable swimming pool contractor to help you select the best design for your pool. In this article, we look at the top swimming pool designs.

Top Swimming Pool Designs

Take a look at these top swimming pool designs

Infinity or vanishing edge pool:

Do you want to create a world-class pool? Consider installing an infinity pool. Infinity pools feature an illusional no-boundary effect on one side of the pool. They appear as if they are merging with the surrounding horizon. This is because the pool wall on one side of the pool matches the exact water level. Water flows over the infinity edge into a catch basin and is pumped back to the pool. Zero-edge pools offer exceptional aesthetics. Thus, they transform your yard space into a premium oasis. Nevertheless, these pools cost thousands of dollars and have high maintenance costs.

Roman or Grecian pools:

These pools offer a classic touch to your yard. They are advanced versions of geometric pools. They have straight lines with extended corners or curves on either one or more of their sides. Constructing a Roman or Grecian pool requires you to hire a dependable pool construction company. Otherwise, you risk losing thousands of dollars since these pools are relatively complex to construct. These pool designs can easily fit into a wide range of yard spaces.

Freeform pools:

As the name suggests, freeform pools incorporate curved lines and edges. This swimming pool design takes an irregular shape. Homeowners love this swimming pool design since it fits a wide range of yard spaces. These pools are often customized to match the design of your outdoor space. If you have an irregular-shaped yard, this pool design is for you.

Perimeter overflow pools:

Another top swimming pool design is the perimeter overflow pool. The pool works like an infinity-edge pool. However, it has multiple vanishing edges. Some perimeter overflow pools have a zero edge on each side of the pool. Due to their unique design, they add exceptional aesthetics to your yard. Subsequently, they transform your yard space into a luxurious holiday destination. Nonetheless, you should always hire an experienced professional to build this swimming pool for you.

Architectural pools:

These pools feature symmetry. Pool contractors usually build them according to the shape of the house. Also, contractors build this swimming pool design using materials that are used to build the house. This way, the pool complements the house. With an architectural pool, you need to hire an architect. A regular pool contractor may not be able to design this pool. So, architectural pools need thorough planning. Not to mention, you’ll spend a huge sum of money constructing these pools. Ultimately, this pool design is ideal for homeowners who want breathtaking outdoor spaces.

Kiddie Pool:

Kiddie pools are among the top swimming pool designs. This is because a majority of homeowners always look for ways to keep their children occupied during the summer holidays. Additionally, kiddie pools are relatively affordable compared to full-sized pools. These pools are simple to install. You can always buy one from your nearest pool store and install it according to the instructions outlined in the pool kit. Make sure you choose a kiddie pool that is large enough to accommodate all of your children.

How to spice up the top swimming pool designs

There is a broad spectrum of techniques you can use to improve your pool design. Some of these techniques are:

Create an Eye-Catching Passage:

One way to spice up your swimming pool design is to build an attractive pathway. Use quality and attractive deck material to create a beautiful pathway toward the pool. Ensure that the materials are non-slip to offer safety.

Choose Decking Wisely:

At present, there is a broad spectrum of deck materials to use for top swimming pool designs. Your pool deck significantly contributes to the aesthetics of the pool. So, choose your pool deck wisely.

Top Swimming Pool Designs

Add a Baja Shelf:

Boost the design of your pool by installing a Baja shelf. A Baja shelf offers remarkable aesthetics and functionality. Add it to the shallow end of the pool. Here, swimmers can relax as they take a break.

Install fire features:

The majority of top swimming pool designs have fire features; Fire features undoubtedly create an elegant look in your yard. Moreover, they create a warm glow and a cozy ambiance.

Fox Pools are experts in building the top swimming pool designs

At Fox Pools, we have highly experienced and trained experts who focus on ensuring your pool stays in the best condition. Due to our wide range of experience, we deliver quality pool service, leak detection, inspections, and more. The best thing about working with us is that we focus on meeting all your requirements and transforming your pool into a first-class haven. Contact us today!

The Most Common Swimming Pool Designs

At present, there is a broad spectrum of swimming pool designs. Thus, if you desire to spice up your yard space, you have a wide variety of swimming pool designs to choose from. Before settling for a particular pool design, it would be best to consult a professional contractor. They will advise you on the best pool designs to incorporate.

The Most Common Swimming Pool Designs

Here are the most common swimming pool designs.

Lap Pools

Currently, lap pools are a popular option among a majority of homeowners. Lap pools are ideal for people who love swimming in laps. Also, they are ideal if you want to learn how to swim. Typically, lap pools are long and narrow. Thus, you can increase your swimming speed through these pools. They are geometric and sometimes have various water features for better aesthetics and functionality.

Olympic-Size Pool

An Olympic-size pool is a large pool uniquely designed for swimming competition purposes. More often than not, you’ll find these pools in stadiums of large water areas. It is hard to construct this pool on the residential property since it is very big. Due to its size, it incorporates high lifetime costs. Keeping an Olympic-size pool in good condition is not a walk in the park. Moreover, you’ll need several pieces of equipment to keep it clean and operate it.

Oval-shaped or round pools

Round pools are also a popular design among most homeowners. These pools are often circular or oval. Therefore, they feature curved edges. Round pools are ideal for medium-sized to large-sized backyards. You can create any size of a round pool. Nonetheless, ensure you employ a reputable pool construction company to build this pool for you. You can make this pool more appealing by adding various water features.

Geometric pools

Rectangular-shaped pools are common in most residential and commercial properties. These pools have straight edges and can fit into almost any yard space. You can always customize your geometric pool to any size; it depends on your budget and requirements. Although simple, geometric pools bring a classic touch to your yard. You can also spice them up by adding a spa and other water features to them.

Kidney shaped pools

Another pool design you are likely to find in most households is the kidney shaped pool. Kidney-shaped pools are ideal for large yard spaces. They are bean-shaped and can accommodate a wide range of water features. However, you need to hire a highly experienced pool contractor to build this pool for you. One of the main benefits of building this pool is that it offers exceptional aesthetics.

Common swimming pool types

Once you settle on a particular pool design, you need to know the type of pool you need to install.

Saltwater pools

Currently, homeowners are embracing saltwater pools due to the wide array of benefits they offer. Saltwater pools use fewer amounts of chlorine compared to conventional pools. They contain a saltwater generator that breaks down salt into its original constituents, sodium, and chlorine. From there, the chlorine disinfects the pool. With saltwater pools, you won’t have to add a lot of chlorine to the pool. Subsequently, your pool water will be much safer for swimmers.

Chlorine pools

Chlorine swimming pools are the most popular option due to their affordability. Back in the day, chlorine pools were the most popular option. But pool experts invented better systems that offer swimmers’ safety and less maintenance. With these pools, you need to add chlorine tablets to the pool for cleaning. Also, you have to constantly check the pool’s chlorine levels to avoid having an excess of this chemical in your pool. Remember, excessive chlorine in your pool can lead to severe skin irritation.

The Most Common Swimming Pool Designs

UV pool sanitation systems

Although expensive, these pools are chemical-free and offer excellent functionality. With these pools, water passes through the UV system, where all microbes and harmful organisms get destroyed. The ultraviolet rays focus on destroying the nucleus of cells, killing them, and preventing them from reproducing. These pools need very little to no chlorine to function. However, they are a huge investment. Moreover, few pool builders know how to install this pool system.

Best swimming pool designs

It is clear that there is a wide range of swimming pool designs you can install. Some of the most common pool design options include geometric, round, and kidney-shaped pools. Regardless of the pool type you choose, always hire experienced professionals. Also, take time to evaluate your requirements and budget before settling for a particular pool design. At Fox Pools, we have highly experienced professionals who offer the best pool repair, service, and maintenance. Contact us today!